Friday, June 8, 2007

Designer #3....................................................

Can it get any better than this???

Toni Berman

Hi all! I'm Toni Berman, a 28 year old mother and wife to the most wonderful children and husband I could have ever hoped for. I live in Wisconsin, just a few blocks from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and about 60 miles from my hometown in Michigan. Being a mommy is my first priority, as I have an 8 year old son, Treyson and a 2 year old daugher, Peyton. They are the loves of my life, along with my husband, Davin... but designing is my "thing"! Designing is what I do to get away from the normal everyday things in life, my escape. It let's me keep my creative side satisfied and I love every second of it! I work part time in sales for a cellular phone company. I also enjoy sewing and crafting at home, and always have some project going on around the house!

I don't exactly know what my "style" is. I love to make a little of everything and I hate to "re-use" things, so I try to make things very different from what I have created previously! This is why you will see a little of everything in my store from alphas and templates to full kits and lots of elements!

Toni's stores: My Digital Muse and Toni Berman Designs


Anonymous said...

a DREAM team you have gathered awesome!

Tracy Blankenship said...

I agree! a dream for sure! clap clap

Stacy V said...

What a great choice!! Can't wait to get the next kit!!!